Racing to Read

Racing to Read

Beth, K-3 Literacy Interventionist

Mount Pleasant Public Schools

I picked up my friend from class and we were walking to the Reading Corps room to start our session. My friend skips down the hallway, a little too fast for safety, and I called out “walking feet in the hallway, friend!”. He turned around and looked at me and stated “I’m just way too excited. I love learning and I love reading, and this is my favorite part of my day, Miss Beth!”. I stopped mid-hallway and smiled (though it was hid by my mask). I told him “that makes me very happy [name of friend]. Let’s go read some more” and with that, we made it to our room and started our session. This was my last friend of the day, after a long and hard day, and I had been feeling pretty defeated. This moment, though, reminded me why I do this. I will think back to this moment when I have another hard day, because I know it will come, and remember that I am making a difference even when it feels like I’m not.