From Interventionist to Teacher: Interview with Zsa Zsa Boles, K-3 Reading Corps Alum
From Interventionist to Teacher
Interview with Zsa Zsa Boles, K-3 Reading Corps Alum

Zsa Zsa Boles at Michigan’s AmeriCorps Member Celebration in 2018.
Zsa Zsa is a proud wife, mother and grandmother who enjoys spending time with family and friends. Her love for children has allowed her to be involved with youth in schools, the community and church. She has volunteered countless times at places to help families with children, through adopt a family, gleaners, and community baby showers just to name a few. Zsa Zsa also served as a K-3 Reading Corps Interventionist at Chandler Park Academy during the 2018-2019 school year. At the time this interview took place, Zsa Zsa was enrolled in the Davenport University College of Urban Education obtain her Graduate Certificate in Urban Education.
Q: What initially inspired you to serve with Michigan Education Corps?
A: I traveled to several schools throughout the Metro Detroit area working as a Substitute Teacher. I knew that I enjoyed being in the schools, but I wanted an opportunity to be at one school. MEC gave me that opportunity. I had the pleasure of serving a year at Chandler Park Academy in Harper Woods, Mi. I served as a Reading Interventionist, where I developed great relationships with the students and staff.
Q: What skills and experiences did you take away from your service with MEC?
A: My experience as a Reading Interventionist showed me how important it is to have this service implemented in the schools to help the students that are really struggling to read. Reading is so important. It affects a child’s ability to master other subjects and areas of their life. The coaches’ observations and feedback allowed me to improve my delivery of intervention with students to ensure their success. I worked hard to get the students to see the value in RAH (Reading at Home). I was often proud with the number of students on my caseload that returned their folders signed daily.
Q: Last year you served with Michigan Education Corps in Wayne County. Now you’re enrolled in an alternative certification program to become a teacher through Davenport University’s College of Urban Education. How did you get connected with Davenport University’s program?
A: During my year at Chandler Park Academy, MEC staff informed me of an Urban Teacher Program at Davenport University. I attended a meeting at Davenport and immediately began my enrollment process. The process was a smooth transition with a great team of advisors and staff, within weeks I was beginning my first semester of school.
Q: What do you plan to do after you’ve completed your teacher certification?
A: I plan to begin my experience as a certified teacher in an urban school. I am currently working in a classroom as a teacher assistant until I’m able to lead my own classroom.
Q: What is one thing that you want people to know about serving with Michigan Education Corps?
A: I would like for people to know that Michigan Education Corps is a great pathway for us to help our children meet their needs, which helps give them the opportunity to be successful in school.
Q: Is there anything else you want to share about your service experience or education pathway?
A: I am glad that I chose to serve with Michigan Education Corps. This set the direction for me to enroll in an alternative certification program to become a teacher, doing what I love. Our children need a village of people to invest in helping them with their educational process and I’m thankful to have been a part of this service.
Learn more about MEC’s Tutor to Teacher Pipeline and apply to serve as a Reading Corps Interventionist today!