Serving Students during COVID-19 Response

Michigan Education Corps’ Continuum of Service Options

A range of service options will be available for our schools for 2020-2021 school year with the intention there will be no breaks in MEC program service delivery were there to be school closures state-wide or regionally.   MEC will provide information and training to ensure our schools and Interventionists have a good understanding of how to implement the program with each scenario and can move quickly to adjust service from in-person to distance learning as needed.  As part of school onboarding in August, MEC will develop individual launch and contingency plans with schools so significant delays in service delivery to kids can be avoided.

100% Remote Training- Synchronous and Asynchronous

All training for Internal Coaches and Interventionists will be done through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous means (IES, 2010) and will be about 30 hours total.   A Learning Management System hosts modules on the content which Coaches and Interventionists can complete asynchronously within a prescribed timeframe and complete certification activities.  Other content, guided practice and modeling, and coaching feedback will be delivered synchronously in 1-2 hour webinar style formats.  Last, all Interventionists must successfully complete synchronous fidelity checks conducted by Internal and Master Coaches for any assessment or intervention before service with students begins and at least 2x month during service.

Full Distance Learning Service

The protocol for providing full distance learning to students in schools will ensure that critical elements of evidence-based content, high dosage, and explicit instruction practices using intervention scripts are fully maintained, while other elements can be flexible to adapt to the unique context of the remote learning environment. Interventionists will use the remote learning platform and device provided by the district to ensure FERPA compliance.  There is a caregiver orientation so they are familiar with what’s expected and how they can support their child during Intervention and with Read At Home! (K-3) or Talk, Read, Write with Me! (PreK).  All intervention sessions will include social-emotional learning activities from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).  Once a week, Interventionists will replace 10 minutes of intervention time with academic goal setting/review session with students to collaboratively set individualized SMART goals.   Interventionists will screen and progress monitoring students, and deliver scripted intervention with students synchronously.  Schools will determine what meeting platform Interventionists will use to connect with students, provide the contact information, and set a schedule.  As per program requirements, Interventionists will document each intervention session and minutes, and weekly progress monitoring data in the Reading Corps Data Management System.   Students will still receive 20 minutes of intervention each day.

Partial Remote Service/Partial In-Person

MEC can adapt to meet the needs of schools that operate with hybrid schedules meaning students are physically in school buildings for part of their learning time but attending school through distance learning for other parts of their learning time. MEC Interventionists will work with the Internal Coaches to set schedules that allow for full program dosage whether done in-person with a student or via distance learning.  Interventionists may find they are at school buildings each day, but tutoring some students virtually and others in-person in the same day.

In-Person/Onsite Service

This is the “traditional” MEC service model and will be an option for schools at any time when allowable and as determined by local needs.